(1/31/2021) COVID-19, Martial Law and Suspension of Civil Rights, Social Manipulation of Special Interest Politics, & “Tech Company” Surveillance

Mr. [], I appreciate your opinion. I did, after all, impose mine unsolicited! I also appreciate that you are into diet science and are an athlete yourself. As am I, a competitive runner, a martial artist, a weightlifter, and for ten years now, also a…

(1/20/2021) Inauguration Reportage

Today’s inauguration began with Minnesota Partisan Senator Amy Klobuchar describing the events of January 6 as a “violent insurrection” against he United States government. Unlike the arson-riddled riots last summer, the January 6 demonstration did not have the support of the establishment media nor the…

(1/19/2021) A BILL

WRIT OF DEFENESTRATION: Pursuant to the occupation, for many decades, of the national legislative body by corporate-backed GOP (Republican Party) and DNC (Democratic party) (in this document henceforth all referred to as “Partisans”), functioning effectively as a one-party system which as an occupying body politic…