(3/23/21) the Internet, Common Carriage, and American Civil Liberties

Social media companies, small or large, are common carriers by definition. That they are generally the most convenient medium for surveillance of its users, nevertheless does not mean that they aren’t commons. The World Wide Web is the epitome of a composite infrastructure – a…

(1/31/2021) COVID-19, Martial Law and Suspension of Civil Rights, Social Manipulation of Special Interest Politics, & “Tech Company” Surveillance

Mr. [], I appreciate your opinion. I did, after all, impose mine unsolicited! I also appreciate that you are into diet science and are an athlete yourself. As am I, a competitive runner, a martial artist, a weightlifter, and for ten years now, also a…

(1/20/2021) Inauguration Reportage

Today’s inauguration began with Minnesota Partisan Senator Amy Klobuchar describing the events of January 6 as a “violent insurrection” against he United States government. Unlike the arson-riddled riots last summer, the January 6 demonstration did not have the support of the establishment media nor the…

(1/19/2021) A BILL

WRIT OF DEFENESTRATION: Pursuant to the occupation, for many decades, of the national legislative body by corporate-backed GOP (Republican Party) and DNC (Democratic party) (in this document henceforth all referred to as “Partisans”), functioning effectively as a one-party system which as an occupying body politic…